What Happens Now?
What Happens Now?
Carly Rowena - Fitness influencer
Carly Rowena is one of the UK’s top fitness influencers. With over 400,000 subscribers on her YouTube channel, she's also a mum and creates a variety of workouts for the whole family.
With the fitness (and influencer) industries in disarray due to the coronavirus outbreak, we're relying more than ever on home workouts and Carly talks to me about how she's adapting to the new "normal" and keeping her audience engaged.
Her videos are brilliant. If you scroll through her YouTube, you’ll find a video about a “10 minute upper body workout” right next to one called “porn made me think I was gay”.
She’s not your typical fitness blogger.
To support this podcast, please visit my GoFundMe page where 25% of all donations will go to NHS Charities Together.